- Extending the fatigue threshold: In the event of a heavy load, the body's oxygen supply decreases, which leads to acidification and muscle fatigue. NITR-O supports the flow of oxygen, thereby delaying fatigue. It can also provide a solution for overcoming fatigue before training, it can help with concentration and focus during training, and increase training efficiency.
- Acceleration of regeneration: By dilating the blood vessels, NITR-O can help the oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles, thus accelerating regeneration and inhibiting the development of muscle fever.
- Increase in muscle mass: It is not just a question of a temporary increase in the cross-section of the muscles as a result of thrusting, but a "side effect" of the two points above: Greater load + perfect regeneration = bigger and stronger muscles. NITR-O can be used to increase muscle mass and physical strength faster during muscle-building workouts.
- Performance enhancement (also for endurance sports): NITR-O can also provide effective support in the case of endurance loads, since such training is also highly dependent on oxygen supply. As a result, the higher oxygen level in the bloodstream can delay fatigue, which helps with longer or higher intensity endurance training.
- Support for weight loss (body fat reduction): NITR-O can help nutrients to be better utilized, and fat consumption can increase during training. Furthermore, L-arginine (precursor of NITR-O) can affect glucose metabolism during exercise by accelerating glucose uptake, thus supporting its faster delivery to muscle cells.
- Crashing: Due to its vasodilating effect and increased oxygen delivery, using NITR-O makes this state easy to achieve and can also give you more motivation for training.
- Physiological effects: NITR-O can also provide health support such as enhancing detoxification, accelerating healing processes, maintaining heart health, cell regeneration, collagen formation, inhibition of aging processes, immune strengthening, reducing inflammation, strengthening bones, etc. (see details below, under the characteristics of the active ingredients!)
For competitive athletes, hobbyists, to increase muscle mass and increase endurance.
The active ingredients of NITR-O can contribute to:
- reduction of fatigue, increased strength
- supporting the energy supply of muscles and tissues
- supporting the growth of muscle mass
- stimulation of growth hormone production
- supporting the maintenance of healthy arginine levels
- speeding up healing processes
- maintaining bone strength
- improving blood circulation
- maintaining heart health
- increasing muscle strength, maintaining proper muscle tone
- fat reduction support
- supporting the body's protein-building processes
- increasing the production of nitric oxide (L-arginine is the starting material for nitric oxide synthesis)
- supporting the detoxification of the body
- helping to remove toxic ammonia produced in the body
- supporting the functioning of the immune system (mainly together with Omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins)
- due to its cell regenerating effect, it supports the formation of collagen and inhibits aging processes
- enhancement of sperm production in men
- has a vasodilating effect
- being a strong antioxidant, supporting the defense of muscles and tissues against free radicals
- improving muscle coordination
- slowing down the aging process
- has an anti-inflammatory effect
- acceleration of regeneration
- through its detoxification effect, it protects the body from the harmful effects of heavy metals and other impurities
- immune strengthening
- its effect can be enhanced if it is taken into the body together with vitamin C or other antioxidants
Nitric oxide was the "molecule of the year" in 1992, and its discoverers and describers of its physiological role were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1998. Since then, NO enhancers have been an important player in the world of dietary supplements. The essence of their operation is that they convey a development instruction to the muscles, as a result of which a greater blood flow develops in the muscles and the diameter of the muscle fibers increases. During intense loads, the body also produces nitric oxide, but this is a slow process, so the regular use of the NO-enhancer, which speeds up the process, can provide significant help in development.
When using NITR-O, it is recommended to consume large doses of multivitamins (e.g. ULTRAVITAMIN or ULTRAVITAMIN PRO ), because due to the stress caused by the increased load capacity and the effect of nitric oxide, the muscles have an increased need for nutrients that support regeneration.

mix 1 portion (3.8 g = 1 level measuring spoon*) of PANHELLEN NITR-O drinking powder with 200 ml of water. To achieve the best effect, consume 1-2 servings immediately before training or 1 serving before training and 1 serving during training.*The measuring spoon does not replace the use of a standardized measuring device.