- Posted by Panhellen .com

Regeneration is one of the basic pillars of increasing sports performance. Although we hear less about this and its methods, it has at least as much of a role in achieving adequate sports performance as sports load.
During regeneration, the "building" processes that promote adaptation and development take place in our body, such as the circulatory system, the development of muscles or the restoration of damage to cells and tissues. As much energy as we invest in training, at least that much must be made up with rest, sleep, and massage. However, we can not only support our bodies and muscles tired from exercise with passive and active relaxation, but also with correctly chosen foods and dietary supplements, we can greatly contribute to the regeneration process , relieve muscle fever, and avoid muscle loss.
- During running, mainly carbohydrates provide us with the energy with which we are able to maintain a consistent performance and train/compete successfully. Some of the carbohydrates consumed are stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles. During sports, we also start to use these supplies, which must be charged after the movement is over.
- During running, changes also occur in the joints and the structure of the muscles. The ligaments, muscles, so-called they suffer micro-injuries (tiny "tears"), and the rate of protein breakdown increases (besides carbohydrates, proteins, i.e. our muscles, also provide energy). After finishing sports, this protein breakdown must be stopped or reversed, and minor injuries must be repaired.
- Sport also tests our defensive abilities. No matter how special it sounds, movement - even if in a positive sense - is stressful for the body. In addition to recharging and regenerating our tired bodies and muscles, we also need to think about supporting our immune system.
After training and competition, our first and most important task is to replace the lost fluid: drink at least 4-5 dl of fluid immediately after exercise! Sports drinks (not energy drinks!), which, due to their composition, help to replace not only water, but also sugar (carbohydrates) and mineral salts (e.g. sodium, chlorine, magnesium) lost through sweat.
The second step is to restore the blood sugar level and refill the depleted carbohydrate stores, as well as support and "nourish" the strained muscles, joints (and skeletal system).
We often hear that the food eaten after running should be high in carbohydrates ; however, other nutrients are not highlighted. Basically, it is true that it is essential to replenish carbohydrate stores, but you should know that an abundant intake of a single nutrient is not enough for perfect regeneration and development. The regenerating menu should therefore be rich in valuable nutrients and vitamins: it should be high in carbohydrates, but also contain complete protein and, of course, some fat .
It is wrong to think that adequate protein intake is only necessary in certain sports (e.g. weightlifting, bodybuilding). In the case of long-distance running, protein consumption is just as important, and protein supplementation also plays a big role. Supplementing the right amount and quality of protein is essential for development, perfect regeneration, and maintaining muscle mass.
The range of regenerating foods is inexhaustible, here are some examples:
- broccoli chicken ragu with whole wheat penne;
- fried liver with parsley potatoes and tomato salad;
- egg nokedli with lettuce;
- maybe a homemade hamburger in a rye bun.
Although a home-cooked meal containing all the nutrients is essential, you must start supporting the regeneration processes even before this, directly (10-15 minutes) after sports activity. In such cases, our goal is to provide nutrients to our body and muscles as quickly and efficiently as possible. Dietary supplements can help us with this.
Take a protein-based food supplement immediately after running. Choose whey protein isolate and hydrolyzate- based products both to maintain fat-free body mass (in case of thinning and weight loss) and to protect muscles, as these are the best, fastest-utilizing protein sources.
If your goal is not weight loss, your smoothie should also contain carbohydrates (30-50 grams), because carbohydrates are essential for the proper utilization of proteins. Karbolyn-based dietary supplements are excellent for carbohydrate supplementation, which can be used to quickly and efficiently start filling up glycogen stores.
As soon as we start playing sports, our muscles are primarily the so-called branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), i.e. leucine, isoleucine and valine, can be used as "fuel". Replacing them is extremely important. Always choose a BCAA supplement that contains all three amino acids in a 2:1:1 ratio (in favor of leucine). In addition to maintaining the appropriate energy level, BCAA can contribute to increasing muscle mass, avoiding muscle loss, and accelerating regeneration processes. For maximum effect and performance enhancement, BCAA supplements are used before training and immediately after training, for example by mixing a portion into our protein shake. If possible, choosea BCAA food supplement made with a fermentation process.
BCAA is one of the most important nutritional supplements for athletes!
For competitive athletes, hobbyists, to support anabolic, skeletal muscle-building processes and regeneration. Alternative energy source under load.
- Innovative fermentation technology and utilization-enhancing active ingredients
- Only plant-based ingredients without chemicals
- Impressive fresh flavors using real fruit
- Microbacterial fermentation and predigested amino acids
- Perfect resolution by instantization process
The highest bioavailability protein, the "Rolls-Royce of proteins".
It is delicious, non-fatty, and dissolves perfectly.
For competitive athletes and hobby athletes
Three times
- Banana split
- Chocolate
- Vanilla
The packages are tailored to your goals and intensity. In our products, we use a number of special ingredients made with world-patented processes, which can be proven to have the best utilization. This increases the efficiency of training and shortens the path to your goal.