After the ketogenic diet, the protein diet should be mentioned, which is deservedly popular among weight loss methods. Despite this, there are some misconceptions and incorrect approaches, the clarification of which is absolutely important in order to really reach the long-awaited goal.
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The main pillar of the method must be mentioned right away: the protein diet covers a diet in which, depending on our goal, we increase our protein intake and reduce our carbohydrate and fat intake to a lesser/greater extent. Exactly how much we increase our protein intake and moderate the consumption of other nutrients is always determined by our abilities and individual goals. Several calculators can be found on the Internet to find this out, but in many cases it is worth asking for the help of a specialist who will provide you with personalized advice.
In general, it can be said that the protein needs of individuals who exercise regularly are higher compared to the needs of their non-athletic peers. There are two reasons for this:
1) the amount of protein breakdown increases during training, so more protein is needed to maintain muscle,
2) regeneration is an extremely protein-demanding process, which must also be supported.
According to nutritional recommendations, the proportion of nutrients in an "ordinary" healthy diet is divided as follows:
- 55-60% carbohydrates
- maximum 30% fat
- 12-15% protein
In the case of increased protein intake, these ratios naturally change. Within a healthy, optimal framework, our diet should look like this:
- 45% carbohydrates
- 25% fat
- 30% protein
According to another approach, adult non-athletes need 0.8 g/kg body weight, endurance athletes 1.2-1.6 g/kg body weight, and muscle-building athletes or dieters 1.5-2 g/kg body weight. Of course, we always calculate in relation to the target weight!
The protein diet works because, due to the lower carbohydrate intake, our body has to reach for other fuel sources (mainly fat stores) to gain energy for optimal functioning. So the "fat burning" starts.
To prevent our muscles from breaking down by accident, we need to increase our protein intake. You can do sports with a protein diet, moreover, unlike diets based on very drastic carbohydrate deprivation, our muscles will also round out, not "wither" - thanks to the building effect of proteins.
Proteins have another beneficial property: they temporarily increase the metabolism (although the metabolism accelerates after each meal). The digestive system has to mobilize more energy to digest them, as a result of which they are emptied from the stomach more slowly, which provides a longer feeling of satiety. And this is especially beneficial for weight loss.
Another advantage of the protein diet is that you don't have to starve and (at least apparently) it's very easy to follow. However, there are some error possibilities that are worth paying attention to!
- More protein = better performance, health
A protein intake of more than 3 g/kilogram of body weight is not more beneficial than if we "only" increased the daily intake to 2 g! A properly composed diet and regular exercise will not cause faster changes, in fact:
Excessive protein intake can also cause unpleasant symptoms:- High protein intake can also lead to irritability and fatigue .
- A sudden increase in meat consumption can also cause unpleasant bloating and constipation . Intestinal bacteria begin to break down the protein-rich intestinal contents stagnant in our intestines, during which toxic compounds are produced, thereby creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Unfavorable changes in the intestinal flora can even lead to a weakening of the immune system .
- A protein-rich diet can also be associated with an increase in the need for vitamin B6 .
- It happens that the skin also becomes greasier and more acne-prone , and unpleasant breath and weakened nails can also be characteristic of the diet.
- Elevated protein can increase the "leakage" of calcium from the bones, which can lead to bone weakening.
- The research results on the kidney and liver damaging effect of excessive protein intake are contradictory. We should know that during the breakdown of proteins, urea is produced in the liver, which is excreted in the urine through the kidneys. So, the kidneys can really be burdened by the extra protein, and the body's hydration also decreases, which is why adequate liquid consumption is extremely important! One more thing: in case of latent or neglected kidney disease, extra protein can really cause problems!
- More protein = faster weight loss
General advice to find out before any diet! For example, about the role of nutrients, the main pillars of the selected weight loss method. Let's even compare several articles and materials written on the subject. Why? Because the data are often contradictory even on the same topic. It is also extremely important to determine the ratio of other nutrients in the case of a protein diet, because proteins are NOT CALORIE-FREE nutrients.
1 g of protein contains 4 g of kcal. If we do not change the proportion of carbohydrates and fats in our diet, we will achieve the exact opposite: we will gain weight . Not to mention the fact that there is practically no food that only contains protein. Our basic protein sources (milk, dairy products, eggs, meat) are so-called its "hidden fat content" must also always be taken into account, which is also an extra calorie.
Studies also prove that protein intake exceeding 2.5 g/kilogram of body weight for an extended period of time - in addition to being an extra burden for the body - increases the risk of accumulating extra kilos.
- More protein = more chicken
The "equation" is clearly flawed. Don't forget that not only chicken contains protein! Let's see which foods are among our main sources of protein:
- egg,
- milk, milk products,
- meat, meat products,
- fish, sea creatures.
Main sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans:
- cereals,
- legumes (e.g. beans, soy and its products) and
- the oil seeds.
However, due to their high carbohydrate and fat content, we do not consider them primarily as a protein source in the protein diet!
Here is the digestibility of the protein content of foods of animal origin:
- egg 97
- milk, cheese 95
- meat, fish 94
1. Variety
Let's forget that we can only eat chicken with salad , minimal rice or rye bread!
Let's boldly and variedly increase egg whites in our diet (due to the fat content of the yolk only in moderation, consuming a maximum of 2 yolks per day!), low-fat/skimmed milk, dairy products, as well as fish and sea creatures. Eggs can be served not only boiled or scrambled, but also excellent for enriching casseroles, side dishes, porridge, puddings, or eaten as egg cream.
Cottage cheese does not always have to be eaten as a sweet cream; feel free to mix it with herbs, use it as a lubricant; prepare it as salty cottage cheese balls, use it instead of minced meat in casseroles and stuffed dishes.
Instead of sour cream, use low-fat yogurt , and as a snack, munch on low-fat cheese with raw carrots and celery. In addition to their protein content, dairy products also play a large role in adequate calcium supplementation.
For fish and canned food, it is important that it is as low in fat as possible, e.g. choose tuna soaked in salty juice, not the version soaked in oil or sugar in tomato juice. Canned tuna can be used not only as a salad, but also as a fish meal by kneading it with a little wholemeal flour or oatmeal , forming patties and putting it in the oven .
Among cold meats , we prefer products with a high meat content, as few additives and soy as possible, and hams with a fat content of less than 5%. The amount of salt should not exceed 2 g/100 g, pay attention to this as well.
In the case of meat , eat poultry (without skin!), pork leg, pork loin, tenderloin, beef leg, venison, offal.
2. Kitchen technology
In addition to the choice of raw materials (that is, that we buy lean, low-fat foods), we must also look at the cooking technology. For cooking or spreading bread, 1 teaspoon of fat per person (sunflower oil, coconut fat, butter, margarine, etc.) is more than enough! Choose low-fat cooking methods: baking in aluminum foil, in an oven bag, in an earthenware pot. It is taboo to eat "deep-fried" foods fried in a lot of oil!
3. Vegetables, fruits, fiber intake
In order to avoid unpleasant digestive system, skin and nail symptoms, eat vegetables and fruits with every meal, which also contribute to our supply of vitamins and minerals.
We cover our carbohydrate intake from breads made from whole grain flour , rye bread, brown rice, millet, buckwheat, bulgur, oatmeal, rye flakes, and whole grain pasta. Due to their beneficial fiber content, they can help avoid unpleasant bloating and constipation.
During the diet min. Increase fluid intake by 1 liter! The best thirst quenchers, in addition to plain water, are lemon water and unflavored herbal tea.
4. Dietary supplement
A simple way to increase your protein intake is to use protein supplements. To maintain fat-free body weight and increase muscle mass, it is worth purchasing a dietary supplement based on whey protein isolate and hydrolyzate .
Supplements do not replace the benefits of a proper, balanced diet (that's why we call them DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS), but they have many advantages that make us love to use them:
- they can be easily and quickly digested and utilized by the body,
- they can be consumed (drinkable) conveniently and quickly
- they can be transported easily,
- they have a high enjoyment value (delicious taste),
- they can also be used for cooking, food enrichment and flavoring.
BEACH, which contains plant fibers, chitosan and glucomannan (also known as devil's tongue extract), can contribute to the success of weight loss. The fibers in BEACH can help reduce the absorption of sugars, improve the insulin sensitivity of cells; they bind and reduce the absorption of fats and cholesterol. In addition to all this, they also have a great effect on the "quality" of food: they increase the amount of food eaten, which slows down the emptying of the stomach and provides a longer feeling of satiety. Furthermore, they reduce the digestibility of food, thereby reducing its absorption.
The so-called
"fat-burning" preparations, however, they can be an excellent help in addition to sports. The most well-known fat-burning formula is caffeine , which has been proven to help the utilization of fat and fatty acids as energy, i.e. it increases "fat burning".
Preparations containing L-carnitine and related compounds are also very popular. When choosing a carnitine supplement, it is worth choosing D-carnitine-free, pure L-carnitine, which is provided by the Creapure® brand. The D-carnitine compound found in many carnitine preparations hinders the utilization of natural L-carnitine and can cause side effects.
The highest bioavailability protein, the "Rolls-Royce of proteins". No added sugar, delicious, non-fatty, dissolves perfectly.
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