Since one usually happens at the expense of the other, it is not so easy to answer this question. Increasing muscle mass can reduce speed, and improving endurance "burns" the muscles. But then how is it possible to simultaneously increase strength, endurance and speed.
It's perfectly fine if you have one main goal with the sport (for example, more muscle mass or better mileage), but it's worth working on the development of all three conditioning abilities in several ways.
One of the important areas of physical-motor skills, which can be divided into three parts:
- Force
- Stamina
- Speed
Endurance is mainly related to the presence of slow-twitch muscle fibers and the quality of circulation, while strength and speed are related to fast-twitch muscle fibers and the nervous system. With proper training, the proportion and amount of the desired muscle fiber type in the muscles can be increased, but beyond a certain limit, one ability can only be developed at the expense of others. However, the development of each may require the other two. Think about it: How could you work through a 60-80 minute workout with heavy weights (for the purpose of increasing muscle mass) if you don't have the endurance required for this? Or how would you successfully complete a triathlon distance if you do not have adequate muscles and muscle strength?
So it's easy to see that no matter what sport you do, you need a certain amount of endurance AND adequate muscle/muscle strength. In addition , speed is also important in many sports, which also needs to be developed.
By definition, strength is nothing but the overcoming of external and internal resistances occurring during movement activities through active muscle work. Muscle strength is influenced by muscle cross-section, muscle fiber quality, energy supply, and psychological factors such as will and motivations.
There are several forms of power:
- Maximum power
- Relative strength
- Speed power
- Reactive power
- Strength endurance
- Absolute power
It depends on your sport, which one you should focus on.
- Dynamic strength training
- Static strength training
- Isokinetic force development (with mechanical machines with friction resistance or viscosity-based machines)
- General and special gymnastics without sports equipment
- Gymnastics with hand tools and aids
- Special strength development tools
- Overcoming various stretching, springy resistances
- Throwing, sowing, throwing various substances
- Social strength-building exercises
- Pair fighting exercises
- Complementary sports and physical exercises with continuous load increase
- Working with weights and increasing resistance
When developing strength, it is important that the amount of resistance of the weight used in practice is appropriate, and that you strive to overcome the resistance as quickly as possible.
Simplifying to the extreme and discarding all kinds of scientific definitions: Work with heavy weights, small series! You can use free weights (even at home) or machines in a gym, and you can also do your own bodyweight exercises. The point is short-term high exertion, with repetitions interspersed with rest.
(However, safety is important, for which it is essential to perform the exercises correctly and to use weights suitable for your body weight and physical condition, as well as gradualness. In order to avoid injuries, it is advisable to consult a specialist if you are a complete beginner.)
According to some studies, approximately 50%, according to others, up to 70% of the success (extent, speed) of muscle development depends on nutrition , so great emphasis must be placed on the right diet and supplements.
The most basic thing is that your diet should contain a relatively large amount of quality protein (e.g. beef and chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs, broccoli, spinach). However, this does not mean that adequate carbohydrate intake can be neglected! The most important nutritional supplements are BCAA (branched chain amino acids) during/after training, as well as high-protein, quickly absorbed protein (e.g. whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate ) after training.
Endurance is the body's ability to withstand fatigue. Varieties:
- Speed endurance
- Aerobic endurance (occurs in the presence of oxygen)
- Anaerobic endurance (occurs in an oxygen-deficient environment)
- Strength endurance
The two most basic endurance development methods are the continuous, long-term method and the interval method . Also effective endurance development is the pyramid method and Fartlek running .
We achieve the desired endurance by continuous, long-term work (e.g. running, using cardio machines). This method is recommended for beginners to develop endurance. Perform the movement with a power investment of 70-90% compared to your own peak performance. Here, the body mainly burns fat, and endurance gradually increases.
Higher and lower intensity sections alternate (e.g. sprint-walk-sprint-walk). With this method, we can achieve the expansion of the operational scope of some organ systems. Recommended for advanced athletes.
This is a type of endurance training that uses the aerobic and anaerobic systems equally. The essence of the Fartlek method is that it combines racing pace or faster pace (sprints, quick transitions, split-distance type accelerations) with aerobic (slower-paced) continuous running and other relaxing training sessions (e.g. walking).
The load is gradually increased during training. When the specified (maximum) level is reached, we keep it for a while and then reduce the load. The pyramid method is recommended for advanced athletes.
In this regard, you can find a lot of useful information here , here and here . Adequate carbohydrate intake, fluid consumption, and a regenerating diet are emphasized, but protein supplementation and the intake of vital amino acids also play a significant role, since regular aerobic exercise initiates catabolic, i.e., muscle-building processes. And - as we explained at the beginning of the article - we don't want an excessive loss of muscle mass when increasing endurance! The use of clean, reliable, safe, natural energizers and performance enhancers can help develop endurance in an extremely spectacular way in the long term.
One important thing is that whatever your main sport is, make time for both types of movement (aerobic and anaerobic). For example, as a runner, you also do weight training or your own bodyweight strengthening exercises, but you can replace this with high-intensity, shorter sections of swimming, sprints, wall climbing, strength sports, or any other muscle-building activity. And if you do weight training and your goal is basically to increase strength and develop muscles, then include cardio training, at least 50-60 minute runs, and cycling.
The other thing to pay close attention to is the correct fat, carbohydrate and protein intake, as well as the correct use of dietary supplements and sports nutrition supplements!
First of all, don't buy products from unreliable sources, beware of synthetic ingredients, unnecessary additives, and fashion brands that lack scientific foundations. Take the time to find out, as it is about your own body, health and sports performance! The professional use of well-chosen and selected accessories is not dangerous, but can greatly contribute to achieving your goals and shortening the path to your goal.
As mentioned, the most important thing for increasing muscle mass and strength is the regular consumption of appropriate protein supplements and vital amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine) in the right proportion(!) . At the same time, active ingredients from natural sources such as taurine, caffeine, glucoronolactone, phosphatidylserine ( you can read about them here ), or citrulline malate (which is made up of the components of certain fruits), known for its exceptional endurance-enhancing effect, can greatly increase training performance.
In the same way , for the development of endurance , it is not only recommended to consume energizing formulas , but active substances that support the development of the muscles and prevent their degradation. In other words, the consumption of proteins and amino acids plays an important role in running, cardio and other aerobic sports as well!
There are therefore diets and active ingredients that specifically support the development of muscles and strength, as well as foods and ingredients that specifically support the development of endurance. However, there are two dietary supplements that can support both by themselves and to a large extent, i.e. help increase strength and muscle mass, as well as increase endurance and performance.
One is the good old BCAA preparation, the three components of which (the three most important essential amino acids) – if present in the right proportions (!) – energize the body during sports activities, but are also essential for muscle development and inhibition of catabolic processes (muscle breakdown). If you don't want to shoot next to it, this article will help you choose the right type.
The other Jolly Joker is a special preparation that contains citrulline, arginine and glutathione in the right amount and ratio. This extraordinary composition can provide you with bursting energy, pushing the fatigue threshold, increasing performance, and at the same time increasing muscle mass, and a noticeable and continuous increase in strength. Scientifically based Panhellen NITR-O containing the listed active ingredients was prepared for this purpose. You can find the surprising experiences of athletes and a detailed presentation of NITR-O on the product page.
Effective for both endurance and strength sports
- Pushing the fatigue threshold
- Speeding up regeneration and supporting weight loss
- Energization and performance enhancement
- Increasing muscle mass
- An effective supplement for endurance and strength sports
It supports the flow of oxygen, which delays fatigue. It can also provide a solution for overcoming fatigue before training, it can help with concentration and focus during training, and increase training efficiency.
By dilating the blood vessels, it can help the oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles, thereby speeding up regeneration and preventing the development of muscle fever. With its use, we can increase muscle mass and physical strength faster during muscle-building exercises .
It can also provide effective support in case of static loads; as a result, the higher oxygen level in the bloodstream can delay fatigue, which helps with longer or higher intensity endurance training.